February 7, 2014

Purging BI Server cache Automatically in OBIAPPS on Linux Server

As we already know that  purging of  cache can be done in using the nqcmd command. I am not posting any details regarding the basics.

  Following are the few steps that I have followed in the process of purging  BI SERVER cache Automatically  in OBIAPPS. where the OBIEE server and Infa DAC server are on two different servers.
  1. As the OBIEE and Infa DAC are  present are two different servers we need to login to OBIEE server from INFA DAC server. This can be achieved by using the SSH command in linux.
  2. As the InfaDAC server requires password less login we either need to setup the RSA keys or use the sshpass command to login to the OBIEE server. Where RSA keys are most preferable by the client personal. So setting up this RSA keys is mostly the work of the DBA's. Hence  theDeveloper's are not be worried :)
  3.  Once the  password less login is completed. We now need to move to the OBIEE HOME and create two files namely purge.txt and purgecache.sh.  and provide the previliges as required for exectuion.
    Contents of purge.txt is 

  Contents of   purgecache.sh is 

 4. Now on the infadac server go to the folder where dac/scripts are present and copy the post_etl.bat file and change the extension of it to the post_etl.sh.  and add the following content into it.

5. Now edit the dacsystem properties for Script After Every ETL to execute post_etl.sh. 
Thus after every ETL load the purging of the cache can be achieved.

We can check the output of the purging process by navigating to the dac/log folder and  check for post_etl.sh.log file .

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